This video is an edit combining two videos: 14.06.2020-Ifeelmyself-sex magic 1 by Juniper_A.mp4 from [IFM] IFeelMyself June. 2020 1080p and 31.01.2022- Ifeelmyself-sex magic 1 reissue by Juniper_A.mp4 from [IFM] IFeelMyself January. 2022 1080p (thanks to exxor for those torrents!). The reissue is an official re-edit of the original file, but I have taken both and edited them so that, wherever possible, two different video angles are shown side-by-side. In this video, Juniper_A masturbates with her fingers sometimes on her back and sometimes face-down and brings herself to orgasm.
Something about this side-by-side edit is super hot to me. It feels more immersive and is that much more enjoyable to watch. I wish I had access to all of the IFM raw video so I could go wild with these kinds of edits!
P.S. I do have a few more of these coming. I just realized that I’ve made a few and never posted them to Empornium, including prettyinPJs from Cle, Wendy-NSFW, and I think one or two more. I’ll plan to get them up soonish and probably make a newer prettyinPJs one using the newer restoration files.
Name: ifeelmyself – sex magic 1 by Juniper_A splitscreen.mp4
Permission: FullHD
Duration: 00:14:48
File size : 1.26 GB
Resolution : 1920 @ 1080